
Raisins are basically dried grapes. They are shrivelled, bite-sized morsels of sweetness. They are a great and healthy snack option. The Raisins exporter in India exports tonnes of the product each year to many countries. The Raisins export from India has been increasing over time due to the growing popularity and the uses of the product. This is a good opportunity for the Indian Raisins exporter to expand his business and enter the international market. The Raisins export from India includes the export of many varieties of this product.



Raisins are rich in minerals and nutrients and therefore have many health and medicinal benefits. The Global Market Demand for Raisins has been on a rise in the world. The Raisins exporter in India exports to many countries including Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Sri Lanka and so on. The Raisin import from India has been increasing due to the great reputation and quality of the raisins exported from India.



Product Name Walnut
Origin Iran (Persia)
Family Juglandaceae
Binomial name Juglans



Nutrients Calories 654 kcal
Total Carbohydrates 14g
Dietary Fiber 7g
Minerals Calcium
Vitamins Vitamin B-6
Vitamin C
Protein 15 g
Fats Fat 65g




  • Culinary Walnuts are rich in antioxidants that can help fight oxidative damage in your body, like damage due to “bad” LDL cholesterol, and so on.
  • Culinary Walnuts are a great source of the plant form of omega-3 fat, which may help to reduce the risks due to heart disease.
  • Culinary Various plant compounds and nutrients present in walnuts may help decrease inflammation which is said to be the key culprit in many chronic diseases.
  • Culinary Walnuts nourish your body and benefit the bacteria that live in your gut. This may promote the health of your gut and may help reduce the risk of diseases.